Simple Ways to Dress Up

Over the course of the past year many of us have gotten into the habit of throwing on whatever is simplest each morning. For many of us this has become wearing sweatpants or yoga pants with a top. There is nothing wrong with such outfits and they have their place in any outfit rotation but sometimes we need something more. For our own mental health it can be important to take a little time to dress ourselves up in order to feel more on top of our lives.

There have been studies that show that simply getting out of bed and changing our clothes can make a big positive difference on our mental health. Dressing up does not have to be complex and with a little planning we can look our best and feel confident in our ability to take on the world. Even if you find yourself with very little energy or attention available you can still dress up.


One of the quickest ways to dress up is to put on some makeup. A little lipgloss or lipstick, some blush, and a bit of eye shadow can completely transform how we look. We also can put on a bit of makeup even if we are not going to see anyone over the course of the day. When choosing makeup it is important that we choose natural and organic products. The last thing we want to do is tax our bodies and immune systems by using products that contain toxic chemicals. When we put on a bit of makeup even if we are going to be working from home we are placing ourselves in the mindset that we are beautiful no matter the situation we might find ourselves in. Makeup also can be a reminder to ourselves to take care of ourselves holistically.

A Simple Outfit

An outfit that we might consider dressed up does not have to be complicated, uncomfortable, or expensive. For example putting on a cozy dress or a skirt and a blouse can really make us look and feel dressed up. If you keep your eyes open you can find amazing clothes on sale online. When it comes to finding your perfect dressed up outfit it is always important you choose items that you feel comfortable in and will work for what you will be doing. Every office, including virtual offices, has a different expectation when it comes to clothes. We need to remember that classic saying that clothes make the woman.  


Jewelry is also a great way to take your outfit to the next level. It does not matter if you choose to wear a statement piece, a family heirloom, or a piece with symbolic meaning, a little sparkle always makes you feel better. The great thing about jewelry is there is a piece for any occasion. You can wear a simple piece if you are on a zoom call or out and about doing errands. You can wear a piece that reminds you of a family member if you are finding staying away challenging. You can decide to go all out and put on a statement piece, put on some good music and have a fancy dress dance event within your own home. 

And even better – you can often find pieces online for less than retail. For example, these used Breitling pieces sell for significantly less than new watches. If you are seeking a simple way to dress up any outfit you may want to consider putting on a piece of jewelry that is sitting in your jewelry box. Just because you are not heading out to see people does not mean that your jewelry has to collect dust.

How are you going to dress up today? Will you put on some makeup, put on a nice outfit, or put on some jewelry? In the end it doesn’t matter what you choose to do as long as you choose to make yourself feel worthy and beautiful. In a moment when so many of us are struggling to make heads or tails of our lives this intentionality is vital to our mental health. Every single person no matter who they are or what they are doing in their lives can find ways to honor themselves though dressing up. What is standing in your way of doing so? Nothing, nothing is standing in your way.