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Wowing Women: Three First Dates That Are Set to Impress

Sailun Tires

Navigating the perils of 21stcentury dating requires savvy, sophistication, and charm. Modern women know what they want and deserve, and they’re not prepared to settle for anything less than the best. To impress them, you’ll need to be interesting, witty, and capable of organising the perfect first date.

Need a little inspiration to help you out? Then here are three fantastic ideas that are sure to score you that much sought-after second date…

Cocktails at eight 

Source: Pixabay

It’s hardly the most original idea, but who amongst us doesn’t love to be wined and dined? The female of the species is just the same, and there are few women who would turn their noses up at a trip to the swankiest cocktail bar in town. This offers a great opportunity to get to know each other over a few drinks, and will give you both the chance to dress to the nines and put your best foot forward. You can talk, drink, and dine against the most stylish and sophisticated of backdrops, before ending the evening by organising date number two. Use this as the perfect occasion to get to know her, so you can think of something she’ll really enjoy doing the next time you see her.

Roll the dice

If you want something a little different, go for a twist on the original by taking your date to your local casino. You’ll still be able to dress to impress and drink enough to loosen your tongues, but you’ll also have something fun and diverting to focus on and take the pressure off. The best way to prepare is by giving it a go online first, so use a site like to find the no-deposit offers available and make sure you get your money’s worth. Get to grips with the rules and brush up your skills on the internet and you’ll be an absolute pro by the time you hit the gaming tables. You can then teach her the ropes too, helping the two of you get off to the perfect start. You might even win enough to fund a second date to rival the first.

Show off your cultural kudos

Source: Pixabay

If evening soirees aren’t really your style, plan something during the day instead. This will give you the chance to get to know each other in a more organic environment, without having to push the boat out and amp up the pressure. Museums and art galleries are the perfect places to go, so meet at the doors before exploring their treasures together. This will provide the ideal opportunity to get to know each other: what interests you, what you enjoy doing, and how you like to spend your days. If it’s going well, stop for coffee and some lunch, either on-site or at a nearby venue you discover together. This will give you both a really good feel for whether you’ll be compatible day-to-day, and ensures you’ll have plenty to talk about besides the more loaded first date topics.

Tell us, how will you choose to dazzle your date?




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