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Top-rated fitness apps and programs for brain training

Sailun Tires

The brain is like a muscle in that if you do not exercise it, it will lose some of its functionality. However, not all of us are rocket scientists or neurosurgeons, and it can be difficult to squeeze in the time to read a book or much less practice a brain training regimen.

Thankfully, there are several new apps and programs on the market that make it easy to fit brain training exercises into your busy schedule. However, remember that relaxation and sound sleep are also essential to keep your brain in tip-top condition. When it is time to relax, many people make use of physical exercise, play computer games, and some enjoy gaming at a PA online casino, real money play being the attraction.

Below are some of the most popular apps that are made to help you boost cognitive functioning and memory through quick, convenient exercises.

Top-rated apps

We have listed eight of the most popular brain training apps below. When selecting brain training apps to use, you can try out a few of them to see which work best for your lifestyle and your preference. According to the developers, you will need to train on the apps for several weeks before you see any progress. So, if you are not seeing any significant changes in the first day or two of use, do not worry! Just keep training for a few more weeks and then decide if it is working for you.
1. Lumosity is the most popular brain training app on the market. The games and tasks on the app are intended to improve memory, problem-solving abilities, attention span, and cognition. Users take part in sessions that include three games or challenges which need to be completed within a strict timeframe.
2. Fit Brains Trainer is a free app that comprises ten sets of games that all focus on different areas of the brain. These games are meant to boost memory and concentration.
3. CogniFit Brain Fitness is an app that was designed with the help of neuroscientists to boost memory and concentration. Your progress on the app can be tracked over time, and you can also challenge your friends on the app and play games against them to create some friendly competition.
4. Brain Fitness Pro is a fun and easy-to-use app that claims to boost the intelligence and memory of users. Brain Fitness Pro claims that after using the app for 30 minutes every day, you can see progress in as little as three weeks.
5. Not the Hole Story is a free app for those who love challenging puzzles and riddles. The app will present a series of challenging riddles to you as you read through a book.
6. Clockwork Brain is an app with similar games and functions to Luminosity. However, it uses a fun and visually engaging antiquated interface which will keep you entertained while you train.
7. Braingle is an app that helps users to track their reasoning and analytical thinking through presenting a series of memory and reaction tests using optical illusions and riddles.
8. Eidetic is a slightly different kind of brain training app in that it is less focused on games or challenges and more on memory enhancement through repetition. Through using spaced repetition, users are helped to memorize important information such as passwords, words, credit card numbers, and phone numbers.

Get healthy!

If you want to give your brain a more significant boost, start making small lifestyle changes that will have a positive impact. Eating a well-balanced, healthy diet full of fruits, vegetables, clean proteins, and whole grains has been shown to have a positive effect on physical and mental health. 

Learn a new skill

Another way to keep your brain active is to learn a new skill or hobby. Studies have shown that learning a new skill can help improve memory function in adults. If you have always been curious about a specific language or wanted to learn a particular instrument, now is the time to give it a try. Learning new skills also opens you up to new communities and creates new avenues for socializing. Also, teaching someone else a new skill, hobby, or handicraft has also been shown to help with memory. By teaching someone else a new skill, you will first need to understand it thoroughly and learn how to communicate it to others. That, in itself, provides brain training and boosts memory.


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