How to Hold a Cigar with Swagger

There is more to smoking a cigar than merely knowing how to do the cutting and lighting.
Partaking in this gentlemanly activity involves understanding the etiquette involved with enjoying a cigar.

Cigars are so much more than their close cousin, the cigarette, could ever hope to be. And not
often do they actually get the respect they deserve from those that inhale their nectar.



How to hold a cigar?

If you wish to elevate yourself to the class of gentlemen, it is essential that you understand what
is involved with actually holding a cigar as it deserves. A cigar is a piece of culture. Knowing
how to handle it shows those around you that, as a gentleman, you are indeed an individual of
refined tastes, much deserving of the blessings of the cigar, with some tips regarding the
handling of a cigar including the following:




Waving the cigar around and shaking it at other people is never advisable, not unless you want to sprinkle ash upon your companions.

Sometimes the key to properly handling a cigar is simply remembering that this is not a cigarette you a dealing with; and that means you cannot grip it between you forefinger and middle finger, or between the knuckles.

More unacceptable no matter the circles is holding it behind your ear as one would a pencil, not if you truly wish to maintain the allusion of a gentleman.
And when you are not puffing, the cigar has no businesses hanging around your mouth or sticking between your teeth. Rap videos aside, this is considered uncouth.


If you don’t have access to a cigar. Get yourself a few at The Cigar Experience