How to Style a Snapback Cap

It’s safe to say the snapback is back. From its humble origins in a New York City baseball field, to the hip-hop music videos in the nineties – a snapback has become far more than just a cap. It’s a statement piece. The brilliant thing is, thanks to the sheer number of styles there are, you get to decide exactly what that statement is.



Perhaps you want your snapback for its original intention: a good old fashioned game of baseball. Baseball caps date back to 1800s, but we’re going to skip forward slightly. The founder of New Era was Ehrhardt Koch in 1920. According to USA Today, he chose baseball caps because that style wasn’t going away. How right he was.

Whether you want to play a game of baseball, or want to show what team you support, you can guarantee there’ll be a snapback out there for you. New Era is not just baseball these days. It also includes the NBA and NFL. One of our biggest tips for wearing a snapback is try to avoid the backwards look, you’re not in high school anymore and even then a backwards cap wasn’t the best of looks.



Snapbacks became popular in the USA during the nineties, people wanted to make it clear which coast they came from. If you walked along the streets of Los Angeles or New York City, you wouldn’t be hard-pressed to find one.

This style went from the streets to the music scene. With the iconic hip hop scene came a resurgence of snapback. Well-known artists at the time, such as Tupac or Dr Dre, wore them. This fashion has continued for years – just look at Jay Z or Kanye West. You could take style inspiration from them. You can give a t shirt and jeans combination that extra edge by rocking a snapback. Whether or not you wear medallions is up to you.



With snapbacks becoming more and more popular it makes sense for brands to jump on the band wagon. The sheer number of these is startling, there’s anything from the likes of Coca Cola to Pokémon. Chances are if there’s a particular product you love, you’ll be able to find a snapback for it.  Make sure if you’re wearing a bold snapback to make the rest of your outfit simple, it will make the cap more of an impact piece.



Snapbacks are no longer just for baseball fans or hip hop artists. The snapback is practical and, quite frankly, cool. Even Ryan Gosling is wearing one. You can even find a Gucci snapback. You don’t need to be worried about your snapback looking stylish, just by the simple act of wearing one, you’re managing that.

The main thing to remember here – all general style tips aside – is your confidence. Tell yourself you can pull it off – whether it’s the iconic Yankees cap that started it all, or a bold bright number. If you’re feeling good, you’ll definitely be looking good.