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Whatever you call your cash, the Cheddar Bill Holder is an ideal everyday wallet. Now the women will know where to the Big cheese keeps his loot. Jack Spade Style
Forget the days of checking your pocket journal or your desk calendar for important dates. Input them directly into your Appointment clock and never miss an anniversary, birthday, or first-date…
If you’re wondering where all the good men went, don’t blame us: we haven’t gotten worse – women’s accessories have just gotten better. In this age of DIY, women are…
If this is every girl’s dream penis, it’s time to start bedazzling, boys. As we here at Swagger know, it’s important for every woman to have an accessory (step 5)…
Justin Bieber, indie singer and star of mockumentary break-dance primer Never Say Never, notes in his hit song Boyfriend: “Swag, swag, swag on you. Chillin’ by the fire while we…
1. Foreplay – Do it I know, we jumped the pleasantries and landed straight on foreplay. But we only have 5 steps here and a tight word count, so don’t…
Fix the drinks for the holiday season There is a segment, and what we estimate is a healthy segment, of our readership that will never step outside their comfort zone…
Standing on your toes in a game of inches. Selling advice to men about how to attract members of the opposite sex has built fortunes great and small ever since…
BASE CAMP X Straight Razor Every man enjoys a close shave. From my first shave in my mother’s bathroom to my narrow escape from the Monkey King and his…
Audio Artwork Art + Speakers = how much better the Mona Lisa could have been. Tired of your girlfriend saying things like ‘you never get me any Art!’ or…
With the first pitch of the World Series just days away, baseball fans are eager to see who the Detroit Tigers will battle on the diamond this year after sweeping…
When your rich, you take pride in the smallest upgrades to your daily life. GOlf being the chosen sport of the rich and famous means having the most extravagant golf…
“These shoes provide freedom of movement and allow me to release more power through my swing.” – Tiger Woods “I train with Nike FREE technology all the time,” said Woods.…
Sometimes no matter how hard you try the golf course gets the best of you. That’s where our Golf Club Kooler Klub comes in, guaranteed to liven up your game,…
Take a look around you sir, this world is positively littered with beautiful, intelligent potential partners just waiting for chance to bump them into a man of Swagger, that is…
Leftover turkey sandwiches are often more enjoyable than the big Thanksgiving meal itself. For this version, we took on the challenge of trying to get every single component of the…
If you’re paying attention to the world around you, it becomes pretty clear pretty fast that nobody’s perfect. Our leaders, our businessmen, our athletes, even the characters on screen who…
Thin is in. Spyderco has made a long-favored Cricket model even thinner by integrating the handle and lock. Custom knifemaker Chris Reeve invented the idea of making a linerlock’s liner…