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7 Reasons you Should take up Long Distance Motorcycle Riding

Sailun Tires

If you want to go on an adventure that will allow you to see new sights, and ride your suped- up motorcycle, you should try out motorcycle riding. As fun as it is to take up long distance motorcycle riding, it could also be a dangerous and challenging pastime.

Why should you invest time, resources and effort on a motorcycle adventure? Here are 7 reasons you should take up long distance motorcycle riding.

1. It gives an Incredible Sense of Freedom

One of the best things about travelling on a motorcycle for long periods of time is the sense of freedom it gives you. Out on the open road, you don’t  have any responsibilities. All you have with you, is your motorcycle, your gear, and whatever necessities you have with you.

If you are going to go on a motorcycle journey, it is important that you bring the right gear with you. In order to protect yourself, you should bring a sturdy motorcycle helmet. It is your most important form of defense against accidents because it will protect your head from damage. Of all your body parts, the head is the most vulnerable because a bump has the potential to cause a concussion or even a bleed in the brain.

Aside from your helmet it is very important that you invest in motorcycle goggles. Remember that the road could get dusty or there might be times where it rains. While riding your motorcycle dust or mud could get blown into your eyes, and ultimately cause you to have an accident. By wearing motorcycle goggles, you will be able to protect your eyes from damage no matter the condition of the road or the weather.

If you are going to buy motorcycle goggles, it is important that you invest in high quality ones. Fetop is one such company that could really give you top notch motorcycle goggles. While the company is large and organized to offer wholesale motorcycle goggles, they could also create goggles according to your exact specifications. 

Aside from helmets and goggles,it is also important that you bring provisions with you. Remember that you will be out on the road for at least a week, and there will be times where you’ll go through areas without stores to resupply from. By having provisions at the ready, you could ensure that you won’t starve or suffer from dehydration during your motorcycle journey.

  2. You get to Travel to Remote Areas

Aside from the freeing sensation of riding on the open road, your motorcycle also gives you the option to go to more remote areas. If you bring a car on long distance journeys, you are somewhat limited by its cumbersome nature. There will be roads that you won’t be able to go through. Whereas if you use a motorcycle, there are very few limits to where you could travel.

 3. It compels you to be Meticulous with your Motorcycle

While it is an incredible feeling to ride for days on the open road, you should remember that your motorcycle is not infallible. If it is pushed to the limit or not well serviced, it will break in the long run. This is a dangerous prospect if you are out on the road by yourself.

Before you go out on any long distance journey, it is very important that you be meticulous with your motorcycle maintenance. Check its tires for any punctures. Lubricate all the axles and joints religiously. Remember that you will be out by yourself on thousands of miles of open road, and your motorcycle is your lifeline. 

  4. It allows you to meet New People

The versatile nature of a motorcycle will allow you to meet new people  on your journeys. If you ride a car, you are somewhat closed off from people on the road. It makes you feel apprehensive to talk to strangers or ask for directions. However, a motorcycle is different. It is not enclosed by steel walls, so you never feel too protected. You are still on your guard, however, there are also no obstacles barring you from actual human interaction. With a motorcycle, you could just drive by people and chat with them. There is no need to look for a parking space or roll down your windows.

 5. It’s a Great way to Unwind

As a motorcycle enthusiast you will know how relaxing it is to ride a motorcycle. Riding through a huge expanse of land, without the stresses of modern society is an incredible feeling. When you drive a motorcycle, your mind is preoccupied by one thing. To keep your motorcycle balanced, and not to get into an accident. This single minded state allows you to be fully in the moment.

 6. It is an almost Spiritual Experience

There is an almost zen like quality to travelling on a motorcycle. Especially when you are by yourself on the open road. It allows you to be introspective and look within yourself. In a way, motorcycle riding is somewhat similar to meditation.

 7. It gives you a Chance to travel with Fellow Motorcycle  Enthusiasts

One of the best things about going on motorcycle journeys, is that it gives you a chance to travel with fellow motorcycle enthusiasts. If you are a newbie at motorcycle riding, it is a good idea to team up with motorcycle groups. A majority of these enthusiasts are veteran bikers, and they usually don’t mind if you tag around with them.


If you are going to take up long distance motorcycle riding, you should know that it won’t all be fun and games. It will also take a lot of time and resources to really get into long distance motorcycle riding.  Why should you invest so much time or money on such a hobby? By knowing how fun and enlightening the activity is, you’ll be able to fully embrace and enjoy it.


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