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SaunaBar, the best kept secret of Hollywood’s Male A-listers.

Have you ever wondered how certain male celebrities seem to stay in great shape, even after the holiday season?  They can stay out in to the early hours, tour for months, drink and eat to excess, but never seem to gain weight or look tired…. It almost feels like they all have a wonderful secret they’ve been keeping from the rest of the world. Well, that mystery has now been revealed: it’s SaunaBar.

SaunaBar is a holistic wellness spa offering cutting-edge technology that redefines detox and weight loss. Specialized coaches on staff help you understand why you’re holding onto excess weight, and create a customized one-on-one program to achieve your specific goals. With a comprehensive understanding of detox and years of experience, the systems at SaunaBar help increase longevity, vitality, energy, and youth. Their approach is tailored to your unique body, lifestyle, and goals.

SaunaBar offers the best quality services, from Infrared Sauna to Lymphatic Drainage Massage, and ALCAT Food Sensitivity Testing; making them the best in Spa treatment and therapy.

Based in Brentwood Los Angeles, SaunaBar has a long list of celebrity members some of whom have been enjoying the treatments that spa have to offer for over 10 years. Like the spas owner Joseph, these celebrities seem to have managed to halt the hands of time and stopped aging in its tracks. Some of the celebrities that have become regulars at SaunaBar over the years include Ryan Seacrest and Stevie Wonder to name a few. This is a well kept little A-list secret, but we are now learning of this ace up their sleeves.

Saunabar incorporates cutting edge technology to improve your wellbeing in a holistic approach, paying attention to the vitality of your body, mind, and spirit. Their claim to fame is their high-tech Saunapods, which utilize both far and near slow wave infrared light. Infrared heats up the body from inside out, because the heat moves deep into tissues of the body first and moves outward as it warms your core. By doing so, your body releases toxins, burns calories effortlessly, experiences a reduction in inflammation and pain, and improves sleep and energy.

The spa also offer Pneumatic Compression Massages which helps your body drain and move lymph fluid, assists in the removal of toxins, reduces cellulite, accelerates weight loss, improves circulation, and much more. They also offer ALCAT Food Sensitivity Testing, which reveals underlying sensitivities, allergies, and intolerances that may be further causing weight gain, energy depletion, or internal inflammation.

SaunaBar was born from owner Joseph Harounian’s intention to heal himself from Chron’s disease. Years ago he was told by multiple doctors that there was no cure or therapies available. Crohn’s disease can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, poor immune function, and fatigue amongst other symptoms. After a long quest for answers and lots of research, he found these phenomenal techniques and technologies that not only resolved his symptoms, but have also provided lasting and improved health in many holistic ways. At age 52 and in optimal health, Joseph now offers the LA community the very best options for managing your mind, body and spirit in their highest.

The services that Sauna Bar offers are incredibly effective on their own, but produce optimal results when used together. Each has a synergistic interaction of boosting the efficacy and benefits of the others. Here’s a little about each:

Infrared Sauna – Infrared sauna therapy helps you cleanse the buildup of toxins in your body, lose weight, reverse signs of aging and sun damage, improve sleep, increase energy, reduce stress, relieve pain and inflammation, and improve circulation. Clients leave with a glow of radiance about them and peace of mind.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage – The lymphatic system plays a key role in our immune system and helps defend against bacteria and other intruders. It also facilitates absorption of fats in the digestive system and improves circulation. Lymph movement is essential to make sure that unwanted materials and pathogens don’t get trapped in our bodies. The Pneumatic Compression Massage offered by SaunaBar helps your body circulate and drain lymph fluid, resulting in the removal of toxins, cellulite reduction, accelerated weight loss, improved circulation and much more.

ALCAT Food Sensitivity Testing – Do you eat incredibly healthy and low calorie foods, but still seem to struggle with your energy? Are you not able to lose weight, or maybe you struggle to keep your skin clear, or you get energy crashes mid-day? You’re not alone: 34 million Americans are experiencing sub-par health because of unknown food sensitivities. The ALCAT Food Sensitivity Testing system tells you everything you need to know to balance your body once and for all. This detailed report breaks down which foods your body loves, which ones deplete it, and everything in between. With that knowledge, you can be your best self inside and out!,

SaunaBar is a unique, private oasis and a one-stop-shop for all your holistic health and fitness needs. Let their staff guide you to your best and highest version with personal guidance in your health and fitness goals.


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