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Sailun Tires

Only a teenager and already getting millions of clicks/views online. Only a teenager and performing on-stage with the Migos. Only a teenager and signing autographs and launching his own fashion brand.

That’s what best describes and what it’s like to be Soloflow, an 18-year-old social media star, fashion designer and the extreme acrobatics stunt-man who does incredible tricks that have captivated audiences non-stop.

We caught up with the teenage icon to find out more about his swag and what else is to come from him this year…

  1. You have swagger! What is your secret?

My secret is I have no secret. I roll out of bed each day and do things that make me happy. I’m not big on plans and go with the flow and let my swag evolve with it. Of course, when I’m wearing Soloflow Brand, that’s swagger!

  1. How has your life changed since going viral for the very first time on YouTube / social media?

It really hasn’t changed me as a person. It definitely has given me validation that following my passion and doing what I like to do is the best way to live life. It also has given me confidence to continue to do what I love and success will follow.

  1. How do you come up with new ideas and concepts for your videos?

Well I’m lucky I love to travel and that allows me to mix up my scenery and bring fans on the journey with me. When it comes down to it I am all about being authentic and my videos are just that. I am just trying to film and share my life and adventures with everyone.

  1. For those that may not understand, what exactly is extreme acrobatics?

Extreme acrobatics is a mix of parkour and flipping. Essentially it is taking what would typically be a highly rehearsed stunt and bringing them to everyday life in a casual way. A great example of this is when I do flips off the Santa Monica Pier whereas usually if someone is flipping off something that high it’s in an extremely controlled environment. Bringing these acrobatic movements into everyday life environments makes it extreme.

  1. You also have a fashion line called Soloflow Brand. Tell us about it!

Soloflow Brand has a unique style inspired by the creativity and spontaneous movements of extreme acrobatics. Soloflow is rooted in California and brings a lifestyle full of positive vibes, sunshine and encouraging people to be themselves. In terms of fashion, we are not scared to start new trends and let our creativity take the lead when designing our styles.

  1. Why the mismatch stuff? Have you always been mismatching?

I have not always been mismatching, but my lifestyle is mismatched and so that slowly made its way into my fashion style and has become a unique part of our creative at Soloflow Brand. It’s cool how many people have caught onto the mismatch style and we’re excited to keep bringing a different look to the fashion space.

  1. What’s something about you that you feel people should know?

I don’t take myself too seriously. I like to say “I go where the wind takes me” and by that I mean I am super spontaneous and never plan anything. I literally wake up and have no plan, I just go with the flow and see where life takes me.

  1. What are the rest of your plans for 2020?

I don’t really do plans and I don’t really think in terms of years. However, I am excited to continue pursuing the journey that I am on no matter where it takes me. I’m in constant pursuit of adventure and spreading positive vibes. 

For Soloflow Brand we have some fresh new drops coming this year. We’re going crazy with some vibrant new tie dyes and crystal washes on shirts, hoodies and sweatpants. Follow our Instagram and subscribe to our newsletters to stay in the know. We’re starting to do some fun limited release drops too!

Follow the adventures of Soloflow by following him on Instagram at:

Or his fashion brand at:


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