How Dads Can Get More Involved In Kids Education

A father being involved with their child is a vital component of the child’s development and the socio-emotional and academic function of the child’s life.

According to research, when father figures are involved in the education of their children, their children’s grades and the test scores drastically improve as does their attendance and the child’s involvement in the various school activities.

As the fathers spend time with their children, they may not feel that they’re contributing enough. In fact, as many as 48 percent states that they don’t spend enough time with their kids while only 25 percent of the mothers state that they aren’t able to spend enough time with their children.


Dads Plus Kids Equal Improvement in Milestones

Regular and active engagement by fathers with their children goes far to impact them in a wide range of ways and positive outcomes. This includes improving their cognitive development and decreasing the poverty and low socioeconomic and positive outcomes. It’s vital to educate men regarding the benefits of the engagement and the support of their children not only while the children are at home, but also while the children are involved at school and other activities.

As more fathers step up to the plate in their daily routines and become a more active part of their child’s lives, the children form a tighter bond. This change has introduced a new wave of fatherhood in the world today.

As the fathers take more active community and educational roles, it’s vital to these children that they are able to share with their father’s via the enrichment programs and projects. Here are a few of the programs that will encourage the fathers to be more involved with their children.

Black Star Projects Million Father March has asked father to take their kids to school on the first day of school as a start to the year-long commitment of supporting their children’s education.

Facilitating involvement of the Hispanic and the Latino Father’s and Men is the National Compadres network.

National Partnership for Community Leadership or NPCL, hosts annual conferences for fatherhood on fatherhood programs and research.

PTA MORE Alliance helps with PTAs for getting the men more involved in their children’s education. Partnering organizations such as The WATCH D.O.G.S. or Dads Of Great Students program can help to reach and engage dads as they have ALL Pro Dad, and Strong Fathers=Strong Families and the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. They make up many different programs.

These different programs and the various resources are all very effective tools to help fathers and their father-figures to assist in unique and very powerful ways that will help to build up the membership of PTA and their capacity.


Dat-To-Dat Tips

Take the time to get to know your child’s teacher and the principal. In your child’s educational future, these are your partners in your child’s education. These are vital component in your child’s life and future. Do what you can to take the time to get to know them and who they are. Go to the parent and teacher conferences every time they come up. Follow your child’s progress both educationally and socially.

Learn how volunteers can help. Most volunteers wish someone else would do it. Recognize that volunteers use their free time and that this is also a priority and good commitment.

Talk to your child’s teacher and principal about how you can help and follow through. Even if you’re only helping a few hours over the entire year, that time is well spent. They may need a little help from a maths tutor or some other educational specialist.

Join the PTA, even if your wife is already a member, take the time to become one yourself. Be the voice that’s heard about education.