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How NOT to Decorate: 6 Interior Design Trends That Went Out of Style

A man’s place reflects who he is, and some even go as far as trying to understand an apartment owner’s personality through décor. The accuracy of those interpretations is debatable at best. However, one thing you can say for sure by surveying someone’s place is how in touch they are with the trends. If you want your place to be stylish and modern, you definitely need to keep an eye on those.

Luckily, trends in interior design are more long-lasting than in fashion. But they do change, and the latest changes state that you should be getting rid of the following things right now.

Top 6 Home Décor Trends That Are Woefully Outdated Now

1.     Brass

Brass used to be big in modern interiors, especially the loft kind. However, today an overabundance of brass elements in your décor is only making it look cheap and a bit tasteless. That’s what Olivia Korenberg from Twofold says.

The current trend is to have a mix of metals in your interior. However, don’t get carried away with the shiny. When in doubt, bet on wood and silvery chrome, those things seem to be timeless. But if you do want to go with a mix of metals, make sure they all have the same finish to keep a consistent theme.

2.     Moroccan poufs

Moroccan poufs might be comfy, but they are definitely a thing of the past in home interiors, according to Korina Khamis from Hibou Design. So if you have any poufs in your lounge area still, reconsider those choices.

However, this trend has yet to develop a replacement, which might be why poufs keep appearing. If you want to be trendy to the core, go without these items altogether. Who needs poufs anyway?

3.     Marble imitations

Do not mistake ‘marble imitations are out now’ for ‘marble is going out of style’. Considering that marble has been in style for over three thousand years, it’s obvious that it’s going to say there for at least as much.

Marble imitations, on the other hand, look cheap and decidedly not classy. Therefore, they definitely need to go if you have any. Overall, stick to natural materials whenever you can afford them. Luckily for you, minimalist interiors aren’t going out of style either. Therefore, you can save up for a couple of expensive natural pieces.

4.     Indigo

Indigo is a lovely colour, but its time as a top interior design trend is at an end. Note that shades of blue are still very much in. It’s only the trend, which called for making indigo everything that went out.

To give your blue interior a modern feel today, you need to mix up various shades. Indigo can be among them but add at least three more and some grey for good measure.

5.     Cool grey

Sadly, you need to say goodbye to your cool steely-grey interior as well. This falling out with cool neutral colours means we will see some major transformations from top interior designers in the future.

It seems that warm soft colours, like mustard and mink, are what’s in these days. One cannot argue that these can make your home appear cozy without making it look overly soft. You can start by changing the colours of your upholstery while keeping your walls clear white.

6.     Reclaimed wood

While natural materials are a timeless trend, the fascination with reclaimed wood seems to be over. It’s the same for all things ‘reclaimed’, so retire that fancy lamp fashioned from a piece of antique pipe and get yourself a real antique lamp instead.

If you like the ‘worn and used’ look in your interior, stick to actual pieces that went through history but retained their original purpose. This means finding an old shabby chair that was a chair from the beginning, not something made from reclaimed wood flooring



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