If you have ever felt like you’re stuck in a rut while your colleagues or peers appear to be succeeding more often than you, then perhaps it’s time for a lifestyle overhaul. It is easy to fall into the trap of bad habits, but did you know that habits are actually interrelated? This means that if bad habits are a regular fixture in your life, they will continue to keep feeding each other. When you take the time to cultivate a good habit, other things will improve in your life too.
So, how do you know when it’s time to break those bad habits?
You’re tired
Whether you’re suffering from sleep deprivation, general exhaustion, or underlying health complaints, feeling tired all of the time is a big indicator that something needs to change.
The first step is pinpointing the cause of the problem. Start by seeking medical advice for any health issues, then address your sleep routine. Ensure that you get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep every night by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. Avoid using electronics before bed, take up a regular exercise routine, and establish a meditation practice to help you switch your mind off at night.
Then it’s time to look at your daily life. Is there anything you can change that will help you to feel less exhausted? Evaluate every aspect of your day to day lifestyle and make adjustments where you can.
Man in the mirror
There comes a time in most people’s lives when they don’t recognize the person in the mirror. From poor nutrition and non-existent skincare to un-styled hair and ill-fitting clothes, sometimes years of bad habits can accumulate and leave you feeling out of touch with the person you feel like you are on the inside. Luckily, these issues are a relatively easy fix.
Start by establishing a good skincare routine every evening before you go to bed. Clean your face, apply moisturizer and eye cream, and if you’re feeling up to it – an anti-aging serum. Next, look at what you eat on a daily basis, the chances are that there are a few things that you can swap for healthier alternatives. Pay a visit to the barber and have your hair and beard styled by a professional – you will be amazed at the difference it will make! Then analyze your wardrobe. Donate anything that doesn’t fit and consult an online personal stylist to help you define your new look.
Don’t listen to your inner doubt
It can be very tempting to stay in the comfort zone of bad habits and poor lifestyle choices. Taking steps towards something new can require a great deal of confidence and bravery that you might not feel you have yet, but the payoff for summoning that courage will be enormous.
Remember, everyone rebrands from time to time. Even huge multinational companies like Instagram, who successfully rebranded their social media icons in 2018, and PokerStars, who recently relaunched their brand refresh with a TV advert series, are well aware of the benefits of keeping up with the times and updating their message accordingly. So, try to avoid the trap of the comfort zone and take your lead from these heavy hitters, who use rebrands as opportunities to get them where they need to go.
So, the key to a lifestyle overhaul lies in identifying the problems that are causing bad habits and address them. For example, if you regularly have insomnia which leads you to wake up late, roll in late for work, eat junk food, and avoid exercise, then it’s important to identify the cause of the insomnia, or at least find a way to manage it, so that you can address the other bad habits you find yourself indulging in.
While breaking bad habits is never a quick and easy fix, investing the time into creating healthier habits will always pay off in the long run.