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First Date Questions to Ask a Woman

Sailun Tires

Many people feel embarrassed on their first date. They do not know how to behave themselves and what to talk about. Detecting people, having their first date is pretty easy. They are betrayed by long pauses in a conversation, timid glances they cast over each other and embarrassment that is very difficult to hide. Perhaps the most difficult thing about dating a woman  is to start a conversation and to ask questions that will not puzzle her and therefore will give a start for a relaxed conversation that will be interesting for both of you.


When people do not know what to talk about or have no ideas what to start a conversation with, they usually talk about the weather or food they are served at that moment. These are definitely not the best topics to discuss on the first date and if you do not try to change the situation, you risk not to have the second one.


Luckily, there is a list of ready-to-use dating questions that will help you make a good impression on a girl. These questions for the first date will help you start an easy conversation, fight embarrassment and enjoy every minute spent with a girl.  


Here are 15 great first date questions ideas to ask a girl provided by Ukraine Date  Agency Easy Date Now:


  1. What is your favourite movie/book? Why?
  2. Do you have a pet? Tell me about it.
  3. What can make you laugh?
  4. Do you have the best friend? Tell me about her/him.
  5. What is your favourite place in the world?
  6. Who has influenced your life the most ?
  7. How do you like spending your weekends?
  8. What is the biggest goal you want to achieve in life?
  9. Do you have a hobby? Tell me about it.
  10. What family traditions do your cherish most of all?
  11. Is there something about you that you would like to tell and I would never think to ask?
  12. Do you/Did you have a nickname? Tell me the story of its origin, if it is not a secret, of course.
  13. What kind of a kid have you been?
  14. What do you hate about dating most of all?
  15. Who was your favourite teacher at school?


However, knowing these dating questions is usually  not enough, as you also need to learn some very important rules of a dating discourse. The first thing you need to understand is that your conversation should not be limited to the listed above questions for the first date. There are lots of other interesting topics to talk about when dating a woman. So, feel free to extend this list with your own dating questions, but be sure to avoid those that can make a girl blush or feel embarrassed.


The following are a few important date discourse rules to stick to when you date a girl.


Don’t Talk all the Time


When dating a woman, you need to listen to her just as much as you talk and even more. The ability to conduct a conversation is not worth a doit if you do not listen to your partner and do not give her an opportunity to talk. A conversation is like a tennis match, where each player has to hit the ball.

Don’t Revolve Around the Questions You’ve Planned to Ask


When you date a girl do not try asking all the question on the first date. Focus on the most interesting ones. Do not not rush asking the next question and let the girl finish her story and then tell something interesting about yourself.


Don’t Rush Things


Even if you have lots of ideas and lots of questions to ask, leave a few for the next date. Otherwise speaking, never rush things and ask questions to know a girl better and and not just to avoid pauses in a conversation.


Hopefully, these ideas and recommendations will help make your date successful and avoid embarrassing situations. Sometimes, questions for the first date help realize whether or not you are dating the right girl. If you are attentive, a girl’s answers will help you understand whether or not you want to meet her again. However remember that each person deserves to have a second chance, so you need to date a girl at least two times to understand if she can become your girlfriend.



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