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Men Can Practice Self-Care Too — Here’s How

Sailun Tires

Hey, men. Here’s a newsflash for you: self-care isn’t just for women.

Self-care doesn’t always have to be defined by bubble baths, face masks, and pretty-smelling lotions (which, arguably, each feel amazing anyway). Taking care of yourself applies to anybody who wants to treat themselves, make themselves feel better, or give themselves some time to relax.

Spruce created a map of some of the most popular self-care items around America. While some of these items may spook off some men for being too “girly,” we thought it would be a good idea to explain how men can benefit from using these items just as much as women can. Truthfully, it isn’t really different than how women do, and it’s worth it to take some time to treat yourself. Keep reading to see some of the best ways to use the map to participate in self-care.

Write in a weekly journal

According to the map, writing in a weekly journal is really popular in states like Virginia and Colorado — and they can be for you too. The best part about weekly journaling is that you get to express your emotions and thoughts into a journal, and nobody has to truly know that you do this. Let your thoughts be written on paper, get some feeling out, and take in the benefits of journaling, which include relaxation and stress reduction.

Manicures and pedicures

Before you stop reading, realize that manicures and pedicures don’t mean you have to get your nails painted. Manicures and pedicures are a great way to relax and clean up your nails. Plenty of men get their nails done, and nail technicians know how most men prefer to be serviced. Treat yourself to a hand or foot massage, clean up yourself, and come out with some nice-looking nails, hands, and feet.


Nothing feels better than sitting in a bathrobe. There are plenty of bathrobes that are a neutral color and basic, allowing you to feel pampered while not going overboard with a pink, fluffy robe. Pair a bathrobe after a nice long shower and bath and you’ll feel like a king.

Other popular items included on the map are:

  • Essential Oils
  • Facial serums and masks
  • Weighted and heated blankets
  • Sound machine
  • Hair mask
  • Incense
  • Adult coloring books
  • Bath bombs
Any of these items are also great ways to do self-care. Many of them offer benefits such as skin care, aromatherapy, moisturizer, and comfort. It doesn’t matter who you are — if you want to treat yourself to some self-care, do it. In times like these, it’s important!





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