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6 Tips to Get Rid of the Keto Flu

There’s always a new way of eating that takes the world by storm. Whether it’s the Atkins diet or veganism, there are so many people who find results within a specific eating regimen. Currently, countless people are finding results with the ketogenic diet. Also known as the keto diet, this diet focuses more on fats and proteins over carbohydrates and sugar. Though many people are able to experience dynamic results, it’s not uncommon for people to experience the woes of the keto flu. The keto flu is the body’s initial response to this drastic change in the diet. Though temporary, it doesn’t feel great. Some of the symptoms of the keto flu include nausea, dizziness and stomach pain. In order to combat the woes of the keto flu, consider these six tips.

1. Replenish the electrolytes.
When you’re restricting or dramatically decreasing your carb intake, it is important to replenish your body with electrolytes. You can do this through a few practices. Introduce bone broth into your regimen. You can pour bone broth into a cup and enjoy it through a straw in the same way you’d consume your iced latte. Bone broth is an excellent provider of electrolytes. Water is also great, but you’ll want to add a small teaspoon of sea salt to provide the balance your body is looking for. While there are tons of sports drinks that refuel athletes with electrolytes after a grueling workout, you’ll want to pay attention to the amount of sugar in each bottle. When you’re on a ketogenic diet, you’ll want to avoid products that contain a lot of sugar.

2. Get lots of rest.
Whether you feel like you need it or not, rest is always a good idea. You give your body a chance to repair itself. The body is more resilient than most give it credit for. In the same way you tend to feel better after a good night’s sleep, the body will repair itself with lots of rest during a bout of the keto flu. Plus, when you get a good amount of rest, your body will regulate your cortisol levels. Consequently, this will help your flu symptoms to decrease.

3. Remain hydrated.
While bone broth is nice, your body needs a certain amount of water to function on a regular basis. Consider purchasing a large gallon-sized jug that you can carry around with you on a daily basis. Add some lemon and lime slices to make it easier to consume. You can pour out enough water to drink on throughout the day. One of the symptoms of the keto flu is fatigue, brain fog and poor focus. If you’re intentional about drinking more water throughout the day, those symptoms will decrease. Plus, it’s wise to get into the habit of consistently hydrating yourself so that you can maintain a healthy body and mind. When you’re fighting a flu, water just becomes much more important in helping your body fight the battle.

4. Consume healthy fats.
When you’re constructing your easy keto meal plan, so many experts talk about the importance of including healthy fats into your diet. If you’ve avoided fats in the past, this might feel like a weird adjustment. However, fats will sustain you, and they’ll help you overcome the keto flu. Incorporate healthy fats like avocado, cheese and oily fish. Nuts, eggs and chia seeds are great foods to include as well. Use extra virgin olive oil and MCT oil when you’re cooking or creating marinades for salads. These healthy fats will give you the boost you need to get through the keto flu, and on to a new way of eating.

5. Incorporate fiber.
Fibrous foods like green, leafy vegetables are essential because they provide nutrients and move through your system in an efficient manner. In many circumstances, people use the keto diet to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, fiber is always an important component of a meal plan. As you create your easy keto meal plan, add vegetables like kale, spinach and Swiss chard to your daily regimen. Whether you’re using them in smoothies, salads or soups, fiber-rich foods will heal and strengthen your body.

6. Give your body some time.
For most people, the keto flu might last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. If it lasts longer than a few weeks, then it’s time to be concerned. Otherwise, your body needs to adjust to this new way of eating. Give your body some time.

Just because you’re starting a ketogenic diet doesn’t mean that you’ll get the keto flu. There are plenty of people who don’t experience any of the symptoms associated with keto flu. If you live a healthy lifestyle and maintain a good level of physical fitness, chances are you won’t experience the symptoms as badly as someone who’s sedentary and starting from scratch. As your body adjusts to the new diet, your flu symptoms will go away. If they don’t, be intentional about consulting with your physician.


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