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Christmas Is Coming – Here Are Some Great Gift Ideas

Sailun Tires

While it’s the most wonderful time of the year for some, it’s pretty darn stressful for many others. Christmas is the time where we all have to dream up those 20-odd present ideas with an ever-so-tight budget.

While you want to stretch your expenses, you still want to be thoughtful – don’t be that person who’s gone and got someone that body spray!

You’ll probably know exactly what you’re getting for your mother or your partner, but when it comes to aunties and distant cousins it’s time to get creative.


Books are always a good shout, they’re cost-effective and they can be really thoughtful if you know what your gift recipient is into.

I can usually tick off half of my Christmas buying list in a bookstore as there is genuinely something for everyone!

And remember, it doesn’t have to be War And Peace – it could be a hillwalking guide for a keen hiker or a Tour De France photo album for your bike-peddling cousin.


The gift that you give doesn’t have to be a physical ‘thing’ in fact, a great present if you are stuck on ideas is an experience.

Be it a tour of a historical building or a live show, you can usually pick them up on the cheap and get a real day out of it.

For example, if you want your uncle to learn more about Glasgow, get him a tour with Tennent’s so that he can learn about the city’s industrial history through the perspective of Scotland’s favourite brewers.


Homemade presents are great as they show that you’re really willing to invest time into a loved one.

It’s also a great opportunity if you’re on the hunt for a new hobby now that outdoor sports and activities aren’t on the table in sub-zero temperatures.

Whether it’s knitting or a bit of crafting, you can save a whole lot of money by putting in a little bit more time.

Practical Gifts

What may be incredibly boring to one person may be exactly what someone else needs.

Don’t hesitate to go for something that’ll actually get used. Have you noticed that your cousin doesn’t have a table or anywhere to eat dinner? You could get them a bamboo serving tray that makes dinner that bit easier.

While it’s not the most exciting form of gift-giving it’s genuinely thoughtful and helpful to those receiving.

It’s also a whole lot less wasteful than that body spray or generic booze that you can be pretty sure will be regifted – or worse – chucked out entirely straight away.

Pet Pressies

If you’re really stuck for present ideas and your recipient has a pet, a good way around it is to just buy the pet a pressie.

It’s going to have to be a bit more than a ball, but a nice squeaky toy or maybe even a bed will do the trick.

It will show that you are thinking about your friend or family, and again, it’s a practical pressie, which always goes further than the trinket that gets regifted straight away!


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