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Pour To Impress: How To Make Smoked Cocktails At Home

Sailun Tires

Throwing parties at home have become the new norm, especially when the pandemic happened. More and more adults prefer holding a more intimate gathering at home instead of going to bars and clubs. It’s also a lot easier to conduct parties at home nowadays. Simply because you can basically learn to make everything at home.

Of course, you cannot miss serving cocktails and drink mixes if you are throwing a party. Instead of just serving plain drinks, you can level up the experience and make it feel more legit when paired with elegant cocktails. The best way to pull it off is to learn how to make smoked cocktails at home and make them as if you are the bartender.

9 Tips on how to make smoked cocktails at home

There are different ways to create smoke cocktails. Some artisans and connoisseurs prefer traditional ingredients such as wood chips, herbs, and spices. However, you can also try other means, such as using e liquid Australia that offers the same results yet easier steps to follow. Here are some tips you should consider when making smoked cocktails at home.

1. Explore with flavors

As mentioned above, there are different types of wood chips that you can use when smoking cocktails. It’s a must to consider the type of wood you will use because it will significantly impact the taste of your drink. This is one of the reasons why artisans and connoisseurs prefer to use herbs and spices such as cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, and alike. In that way, it will not have a woody taste, but will give the same results.

2. Ready your equipment

Before planning to make smoked cocktails at home, make sure that you have your equipment ready. If you are going for the traditional way of doing it, it’s best to have a smoking gun and a deep vessel. This vessel is where you will put the wood chip or herbs along with the drink. Then, the smoking gun is what you will use to heat it up. From there, the smoke will produce and your drink will absorb it.

If you are looking for an easier way, a vape can be helpful. You can simply blow the smoke on top of the glass and you can save a lot of time in preparing for it. Since it’s also made with heated liquid, vaping is also a good alternative for making smoked cocktails.

3. Avoid using lighter fluid

It’s a big no-no to use lighter fluid. For one, you only need the smoking gun to initiate heat and create smoke. You are not intending to light a fire. Additionally, lighter fluid has a distinct aftertaste that will surely ruin your drink. It’s also not safe to intake them. That’s why, as much as possible, go with the natural way of making smoke.

4. Practice before the party

If this is your first time making smoked cocktails for a party, it’s recommended to practice them. This is not only to ensure that your guests will have the best experience, but also for you to learn the quirks and master them a little bit. In that way, when the guests arrive, you no longer have to worry about accidentally burning their mouths.

5. Prepare your ingredients

As you are practicing it, it’s best to test how each wood chip would taste for a particular drink. From there, you can create a list of paired ingredients for each drink that will give just the right amount of smokiness without messing up the liquor flavor. This is especially for whisky or scotch that is already strong on its own.

6. Top smoke is the easiest to make

Experts usually start by smoking the bottom of the glass, pouring the cocktail, then smoking its top. Well, as a newbie, it’s recommended to start small. You can begin by creating a simple top smoke for your cocktails at home. It’s not too complicated as a trick but it exudes the same sophistication.

7. Always chill your glass

The effect of smoke hanging around the drink is not because of the alcohol’s liquor. It is mainly because of the liquid component of the drink. In basic science, liquid attracts gas. That is why, it’s recommended to always chill your glasses first before pouring a nice smoked cocktail. In that way, when the condensation begins, it will absorb more smoke and will be more stunning when served.

8. It’s not best for dairy

Some cases are made with cream or milk. This may not be the best cocktail to include a smoke effect. The composition of dairy may not be conducive for smoke to stay in the glass. Additionally, it may ruin the taste of your milk. So, if you are planning to serve smoked cocktails, avoid those that have dairy in them.

9. Stronger alcohol smokes more

Smoked cocktails will work best on stronger drinks such as whisky, vodka, and even tequila. Its strong flavors will not only combine with the rich and smokey flavor but also absorbs more gas that holds the smoke in.

Be ready for your next party!

Throw your best party at home by mixing some smoked cocktails! While going the traditional way is ideal, remember that you can always execute easily with the help of e-juices and vapes. Try it!



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