2 Warning Signs of Crypto Gambling Scams

If you are focusing on building your cryptocurrency portfolio, buying crypto in order to get in and get a handle on the next big thing to hit the world economy, or just love to gamble and figure gambling in Bitcoin is the best way to save your real money, then you might want to go on one of several great crypto gambling sites to get started.

There are a lot of crypto gambling sites that you can focus on, but with any gambling website or new currency, you want to keep an eye out for scams that want to take all your money.

However, with crypto being so new and making so many promises to their customers, there are quite a few people who aren’t doing their due diligence and making sure to keep themselves safe from scams and scammers.

If you want to work with and test your luck on a crypto gambling website, then you should take these warning signs into account first.

1. Offerings From Fake Websites

Anyone who has ever tried knows that it takes about 10 minutes to set up a website. Domain name, webpages, a couple of stock images and you at least have the bare bones of a website that will work for you.

Scammers know this as well, and they spend their time churning out dozens upon dozens of fake websites that are designed to get you to spend your money without thought or reason, and get nothing back in return.

Once you get into your fake cryptocurrency wallet and connect your account information to it, then the scammers will connect their website to your wallet or account and then start to siphon off your funds to it. They can also gain your data and then log into your accounts as you.

Additionally, some fake websites have you download software, and once you do then the scammers can infect your device with code. Telling a good website from a fake one can be done with a bit of common sense as well as a google search, because if a crypto gambling site is good, people will talk about it, like one of the best Bitcoin Casino sites: CasinosCrypto. 

2. The Website Is Alone

People talk on the internet, especially about crypto because it is the next big thing in the tech world. For those who love to use crypto gambling websites, they can find a ton of information about what websites are actually legitimate. However, if you find a website with no other mention on the internet, then it is probably a scam.

Just like you wouldn’t stop at a house in the middle of nowhere, you shouldn’t put your information on a website that just has the website.

Most of the good crypto gambling websites have social media pages, reviews by third party users, and other information out on the web to prove their legitimacy to their users. If this website doesn’t have sources that can back it up, then you should steer clear of it and look somewhere else.

Use Common Sense

If something seems fishy on your crypto gambling website, it probably is. If the website is pressuring you to sign up for accounts or click on links, they are probably dangerous.

Plus, if the website is offering things that seem too good to be true, that’s also a red flag. So make sure that you use common sense and don’t let your desire to use cryptocurrency or gamble with it get out of control.

If you fall for a scam, then some scammers might not stop at taking your cryptocurrency wallet, so make sure to keep yourself safe.