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5 Creative Ideas To Market Your E-Commerce Store

Sailun Tires

Ecommerce has been in the dialogue almost since the internet came into existence. In fact, the first successful e-commerce venture dates back to 1969, the name of the company being CompuServe!

Yet, if there is one generation, or precisely a year, with which the term ‘e-commerce will be associated the most in the future, that’s 2020. Why? Well, in the past year, in spite of the full-blown attack of this deadly virus that turned the world upside-down, e-commerce sales continued to grow insanely.

Nothing except the online stores continued to flourish better than ever. Thanks to the amount of ease that it offers, it is safe to say that e-commerce is here to stay for a long time to come. So, if you are planning to grow your online venture, get treading – it’s a good idea.

But how exactly can do that? Yes, you guessed it right – marketing is the answer! So, here’s a quick list of 5 creative ideas to market your e-commerce store:

  1. Do something about those abandoned carts

You may be unaware, but let us break the eggs for you – those abandoned carts cost your business a lot! Each time a visitor adds products to their cart and leaves the site without making the purchase, the business faces a loss as the inventory level goes down, making the same product unavailable for another prospective buyer.

Well, how can you fix this? Simple – try finding out what’s actually preventing them from making the purchase and make an offer they can’t refuse. Is it the shipping charges? Make it free. The cart total? Offer some discount store online coupons or gifts. That’s it!

  1. Upsell your products

If you haven’t come across the idea of upselling your products yet, it’s about time you should. The catch is easy – when you know a customer is genuinely interested in a product, selling them more or better versions of the same product should be your goal. How can you do that?

Pitch them about the enhanced version of the product and tell them why they should be buying it over the one they chose. The better you are at your pitch, the higher are your chances to upsell products.

  1. Get in touch with influencers

Influencer marketing is a thing – one that your online business cannot afford to ignore. As per statistics, approximately 27.2% of the world’s population loves shopping online. And trust me, influencers have a good hold on the decisions of almost all these people who resort to online shopping.

And that’s exactly what you need to work in your favor. When you associate with a famous celebrity influencer of your niche, you are expanding your marketing mesh – big time!

  1. Host special giveaways

This tip is a goldmine, especially for those businesses that are struggling to spread the word about their concern. Hosting giveaways is a great idea because of a number of reasons – it brings in new customers, makes your business gain recognition in the market, and whatnot!

We all know – nothing is better than a free gift. Besides, who doesn’t love getting to try new products absolutely free? And if your products are well-received, it won’t take them time to run out of stock real quick. So, what are you thinking? Need more reasons to take the help of social media and announce a mega giveaway soon?

  1. Post more user-generated content

User-generated content? Sounds like Greek, no? Well, allow us to decipher this master code of e-commerce marketing for you. Suppose you have an online clothing store and one of your dresses got sold very recently. Make it a point to ask the customer to send in a photo of themselves in the dress.

Next up, share the same photo across the socials and the website of your business and done! This is called user-generated content. And trust me, it is of very high significance because, for the site visitors, it works as proof of your product’s actual quality. So, the more user-generated content on your site, the better the public confidence!

Over to you…

Ecommerce marketing seems tough to ace, but with the right tools and techniques, it becomes a piece of cake. Here, we listed 5 creative ideas to market your e-commerce store. Read this guide, follow the tips and lead your business towards success!


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