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Best Kettlebell Workouts For Strength, Muscle & More

Sailun Tires

If there’s one piece of gym equipment you can use to perform a full-body workout, it’s the kettlebell. They resemble mini bowling balls with handles attached on top.

There are a variety of full-body kettlebell workouts that you can do, and many of those moves use multiple muscle groups. What’s interesting about using a kettlebell is that the center of gravity changes as you move it around, thus, forcing your core muscles to work extra hard to keep your balance.

Practicing kettlebell workouts regularly incorporates healthy eating and taking supplements, you can even see positive results in your weight.

So, if you’re looking for a kettlebell workout for strength, muscle, and fat loss, follow our workout guide below.

The 4 Best Kettlebell Workouts to Practice at Home

Each of these workouts consists of three moves. Perform each move for one minute, having a 10-second break in between them. After the third move, take a one-minute rest, then repeat the whole kettlebell exercise three times for four rounds.

Here are the best kettlebell workouts for weight loss you can do at home:

Kettlebell swing

Time: 60 seconds Rest: 10 seconds

One of the common kettlebell exercises is the kettlebell swing. It targets the shoulders, back, hips, legs, glutes, and lower body.


  1. Stand with your feet flat, just wider hip-width apart.
  2. Hold the kettlebell handle in both hands in front of you with your arm straight.
  3. Bend your right and left knee as you push your hips back while swinging the kettlebell back through your legs.
  4. Thrust your hips forward to create the momentum to swing the bell forward up to your eye level. 
  5. Squeeze your glute as you swing it up and keep your core muscles engaged.
  6. Control the swing of the bell back down while maintaining proper form.

NOTE: Once you’re used to it, you can swing the bell on one arm. Start with the right arm, then switch to the left arm.

Kettlebell single leg deadlift

Time: 60 seconds Rest: 10 seconds

This kettlebell training is a more challenging movement that can strengthen the hamstrings and the buttocks.


  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart with the kettlebell on the floor between your feet, slightly in front of you. Then, shift your weight to the right leg.
  2. Begin to drive your left foot back like you’re stamping the bottom of your foot on the wall behind you, keeping your left leg straight.
  3. Simultaneously, start hinging at the waist, tipping your torso forward until it’s almost parallel to the floor. 
  4. Keep your arms straight, shoulder height, and perpendicular to the floor.
  5. At the bottom of the position, your body should be straight from the top of your head to the bottom of your left foot.
  6. Begin pulling your left leg forward while keeping it straight, and lift your torso until you’re standing again.

NOTE: Repeat all reps on the left side, then switch on your right foot.

Kettlebell goblet squat

Time: 60 seconds Rest: 10 seconds

This body kettlebell workout targets the legs, glutes, and back. 


  1. Hold the kettlebell handle down with your hands on the bell for the starting position.
  2. Stand feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Keep your core tight, back straight, and torso upright, bend your knees slightly and push your hips back to drop into a squat.
  4. Lower until your elbows are between your knees, then push down to stand back up through your heels.

Kettlebell windmill

Time: 60 seconds Rest: 10 seconds

This exercise is a full-body kettlebell workout that aims to improve the strength and stability in the obliques, glutes, shoulder blades, and the upper body.


  1. The starting position should stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
  2. With your right hand, extending it, grip the kettlebell overhead. Your right palm should face forward.
  3. While keeping the kettlebell locked, push your butt out in the same direction as the locked-out kettlebell. 
  4. Turn your feet at a 45 degrees angle from the arm locked out with the kettlebell.
  5. Bend knees to one side and stick your butt out. Then, lean down until you can touch the floor with your free hand.
  6. Pause for a second after you reach the ground. Then, reverse the motion until you move back to the starting position.


If this is your first time attempting this workout, make sure to use small or no kettlebell weight. As you become more comfortable, add more weight.

As you progress with your kettlebell training, we recommend mastering the kettlebell rack position. In this position, the kettlebell is held comfortably up until the chest height with the right and left forearm tucked in, shoulder down, and the Latissimus dorsi muscle engaged.

Minimal space is required for these exercises, which means you can do these at home. Take your time to master every movement, and more importantly, enjoy the exercises and record your progress.

Health Benefits of Kettlebell Swings

Here are the benefits of performing kettlebell:

  • It’s a very efficient full-body exercise

Being fit doesn’t necessarily mean lifting heavier weights; just swinging the kettlebell upward with either your right or left hand while your legs are bent could be a few exercises you can do.

  • Enhances flexibility

A yoga expert, Karla Tafra said that kettlebell swings could enhance flexibility. Since every time you swing the bell and keep your weight straight, you engage your glutes that relax the opposing hip flexor, thus stretching your legs.

  • Improves athleticism

The entire movement of your body for doing a kettlebell workout, such as arms bent, arms extended, knees bent, chest lifted, pushing hips, and elbow bent, can mimic the movements you use to run, jump and lift. Since it effectively strengthens the core area of your body, it is one great exercise to improve athleticism.

  • Improves balance and posture

Using a kettlebell will help you learn what good posture is. To keep your balance, you have to keep your back straight and engage your core, which is an essential routine in kettlebell swings.

  • Burn fat

In a study, an average person can burn 400 calories in just doing 20 minutes of kettlebell swings. They credit the calorie-burning effect because a kettlebell workout is a total-body movement. Aside from that, it also helps lose stubborn belly fat and promotes weight loss.


Kettlebells are an excellent workout tool for both men and women since they target all the core muscles, improving control, balance, stability, and strength. Following these best kettlebell exercises can help you develop a solid and lean body while helping you lose weight.

Aside from the kettlebell workouts mentioned above, here are some additional kettlebell exercises you may try: Kettlebell offset squat, Kettlebell upright row, Kettlebell floor press, and Kettlebell side lunge.



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