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How to expand sexual horizons with polyamorous dating app

Sailun Tires

Attitudes towards threesome sex together can be very different and depend on the person. There is a stereotype that this is a purely male desire, but leading international expert in the field of sex and relationships from the Netherlands, Alex May, states that according to statistics, most women are bisexual. That is, they like other women and the presence of another women partner in bed will not be a problem, and it will arouse passion even more.

For many couples, there is a moment when there is a lull in sex life and people want new thrills and emotions. In addition, almost everyone has their own sexual fantasies, which he would like to realize. Maybe it is the moment to expand the horizons of your sex life and use best threesome app to find people who think the same way right now.

First you need to deal with your own attitude to this type of sex. For many people, this phenomenon is still a kind of perversion for various reasons. However, the history of humanity has more than one millennium, the principles of morality are constantly changing and earlier this kind of sex wasn’t shameful.


What to do if you decide to experiment in bed

We live in a liberated time, when society is tolerant enough to accept various forms of sex. Again, the matter here may be specifically in your perception or perception of a partner. For a man, it can be just a fun game, which he will not attach much importance to. He wants to look at his beloved woman in the arms of another woman, because this is really very erotic. If you personally had any moral barriers, then you should not take such a step, since nothing good will come of it. Firstly, sex itself will not be at its best, and secondly, then jealousy and remorse will torment you.

However, if you are a man of open views, then we advise you to expand your horizons and try sex with a woman, as this is a fundamentally new and very piquant area for research. If you make up your mind to such an experiment, then it is worth discussing everything to the smallest detail: where it will be, with whom exactly and how.

The main question that arises is where to find the right partner. Tinder for swingers will help you easily solve this problem. For the first time, it is better not to invite such a person to your house and to your bed, but to rent an apartment or a hotel room. Firstly, in a neutral territory it is always more comfortable, and secondly, you will have ways to retreat and you can always leave.


Main rules of threesome sex for beginners

In order to get maximum enjoyment from the process, you need not only to relax and reject doubts, but also to know a few simple rules.

Having visited more than a dozen of specialized forums and sites, such as this, and after reading hundreds of reviews and recommendations of real users, I highlighted the main points for you:

  1.  If one of the participants is your permanent partner, then the next morning you tightly forget what happened at night. No flirting with a new partner, gentle kisses at parting, and other signs that you now have something more than friendly relationship.
  2.  Even if in life you are a big leader, there is no place to command.
  3.  There are three of you now, so no one should be lying next to you with the lost and disappointed look. All must participate in the process.
  4.  Do not whisper to one of the partners that you like him more. Even if the second one does not hear, it can have a dampening effect on the first one.
  5.  For the first time it is better to do without sexual experiments with poses, devices and sexual practices that are unusual for you.

And most importantly, remember, what you are doing is not a perversion, and, according to surveys, 90 percent of people in the world have thought about it for at least once.



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