In the fast-paced world of sports journalism, Taylor Rooks has carved out a distinctive niche where authenticity and storytelling intersect.
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SWAGGER: The NFL season has officially started. What are you most excited about, and how are you preparing for it?

Taylor: I’m really excited for the new season, especially because Amazon has a playoff game this year, which will be really fun to be a part of.

I really want to elevate some of the storytelling this year beyond the usual sit-down interviews and dive deeper into features that highlight players’ lives off the field. I want to push myself and use the access I have in the NFL world, and of course, I’m happy to be back with the entire crew. We’re incredibly fortunate at Prime Video to have such an amazing team. It feels like family, from the on-screen talent to the production crew and executives. We genuinely love working together, and it’s a really fun, positive environment. I'm excited to be back, and we have some really great games this year.

SWAGGER: What’s your secret to getting people to open up in an interview?

Taylor: I love hosting, anchoring, reporting, sideline reporting—I just genuinely really love every aspect of journalism. There’s something really fulfilling about getting someone to open up and share something new. It’s such a rush to not just talk about the news of the day, but to create it by uncovering those personal stories. I think that’s what makes being an interviewer so special—you have to know how to make people feel comfortable enough to be themselves and speak their truth.

I think that focusing on interviewing has really shaped my career.

Back in college, I noticed there wasn’t a big emphasis on teaching how to ask good questions, make people feel at ease, or be an active listener. So, I decided to hone in on those skills and make interviewing my niche, especially when it comes to athletes and entertainers.

SWAGGER: Can you share insights into how you prepare for interviews?

Taylor: Preparing for an interview is all about filling your brain with as much information as possible, while still making space for new insights. My main goal is to know everything I can about the person I’m interviewing because the more informed you are, the better your questions will be. When I have a guest lined up, I spend the week leading up to the interview fully immersing myself in their world. I watch every interview they’ve done, read every article, and dive deep into their social media. If I know people who are close to them, I’ll try to get unique insights or stories that haven’t been shared before. It’s all about being fully prepared so that, during the conversation, I’m ready to dive into topics that haven’t been explored yet.

SWAGGER: How do you handle sensitive or controversial topics in interviews while maintaining professionalism?

Taylor: I believe there’s always a respectful way to ask any question. The goal is to foster real conversations about important topics. As long as the approach is about understanding rather than judgment, people are generally receptive. Creating a space where guests feel comfortable is key to addressing even the most sensitive subjects.

SWAGGER: How do you prioritize your wellness and mental health with such a demanding schedule?

Taylor: I prioritize reading and therapy, which are essential for my mental well-being. Therapy has been transformative, helping me grow and stay grounded. I also do Pilates, which helps me focus and stay mindful. Being around loved ones is important too; spending time with my partner, friends, and family really energizes me. And when I’m travelling, especially on planes, I use that time to disconnect from my phone and either read or get work done. It’s a great way to recharge and stay focused.

SWAGGER: What advice would you give to young journalists aspiring to have a career in media?

Taylor: To young journalists, especially women, looking to break into media, my biggest piece of advice is to follow your passion genuinely. Do this job because you love storytelling, engaging with people, and being in the moment. It's important to have an internal drive rather than seeking external validation. You can't be universally liked, so it's crucial to love and accept yourself and understand what makes you unique. In a world where social media can influence how we present ourselves, remember that authenticity is key.

Craft your persona based on who you truly are, not just what you see around you.

And when it comes to challenges, which are often external and unfair, focus on how you respond. Don’t let negativity or biases define you. You can control your skills and your reactions, and it's these aspects that will help you succeed despite any obstacles.

As Rooks continues to redefine sports journalism, her commitment to authenticity and storytelling remains unwavering. Whether she’s having real, insightful conversations with entertainers and athletes, or sharing stories from behind the scenes, she brings a fresh, engaging perspective to the game.

You can catch her on Thursday Night Football on Amazon Prime, or follow her for more on social media @TaylorRooks.


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